1st visit to consultatie bureau
Today was lieverd's 1st visit to the consultatie bureau. Alhamdullillah she is thriving and is following the growth curve..well, 3rd percentile of the dutch curve:)) at least she has made onto the curve :))Still waiting for the m'sian growth chart which a good friend of mine has mailed to us. Hopefully she is will more than the 3rd percentile :))
It took us at least a good 30 mins just to get out the door...dressing her:)) it wasn't too cold enuff for a snowsuit and the fleece outfits that she has are all a tad big. so we compromised...used a flannel jumpsuit n blanket. well..the consultatie bureau was only short 5 min walk from the car.she actually protested to wearing a hat. hmmm...
it's day 40 today..can't wait to go out shopping to buy clothes n other essentials for lieverd:)) 1st a stroller then...watch out shops, here we come!!got full permission from dad as well:))
wandering baby

hubby n i learn something new everyday..nazeefah woke up at 10pm and wudn't settle down after that. hubby changed her diaper and still she wasn't happy. she wasn't even really interested to play. it wasn't colic, Alhamdullillah. we felt she was a wee bit too warm so we took her temp. true enuff it was a lil above the upper limit of normal. so we took a layer of clothing off n Alhamdullillah she felt better and was comfortable enuff to play. the nite before, she took off her hat herself so we knew that she didn't need that last nite. i guess we are afraid of under dressing her and we are also so used to having her in 3 layers since she come home from the hosp. well...we learn something new everyday. it's definitely a steep learning curve. i reckon being m'sian as well one is so afraid of her getting cold esp during the nite.
the piccies above were taken in the afternoon. the covers was at her chest level when i tucked her in for her afternoon nap.the next piccie was taken just before she woke up for her milk. hmm...think we need to get her into a grobag soon. well...she prob takes after hubby since they look so similiar anyway.hubby sleep walked when he was a jongen..looks like nazeefah sleep shuffles :)) we are really amazed w her strength n what she can do w it. we just love her to bits even though we r so dead tired at nite. waking up and seeing her just brightens up our day..esp since it is winter now
One month already
we can't believe that our lil lieverd is already one month old.She now weighs 3.06kg, a lil disappointing since she has been putting on at least 200 g per week. this time round she dropped off to 140g. well, we think it is becoz she is not getting enuff sleep. lieverd stays up till wee hours of the morning then sleeps for a stretch of 4-5 hours. she really sleeps well during the day but when daddy is home..she feels that it's playtime even though daddy tries not to entertain her. i guess she looking for her own rhythm and is getting used to the outside world.
we got a shock yesterday morn. she managed to wriggle herself from under the covers. we usually tuck her in until the level of her chest.the piccie above was taken @ 10am..the covers were at her knees when she woke up @ 7am. at the mo, she is also trying to remove her hat at nite. since she is now more than 3 kg, we have decreased a layer of clothing during the day. we discovered that she began having heat rash on her neck as a result of keeping the 3 layers of clothes. hmm..a journey of discovery for her parents and her.Alhamdullillah she doesn't really complain.
Alhamdulllillah she is doing fab till now. Dad gave her a bath this morn. I am sooo lucky, Alhamdullillah to have such a supportive n hands on hubby.Phew! Love him to bits even more so now..
Dad in action
Dad of course has been a very active participant in diaper changing...actually mum gets the weekend off from diaper changing :) Alhamdullillah, my hubby is ever so supportive. I think he actually enjoys it since lil lieverd only tends to shower poop on mummy! She tends to wee as well when we change her to the point where hubby is ever ready for that possibility:)) In fact, I love the weekends since dad will wake up in the middle of the nite to put her back into the cot after her feed.
Dad is a discplinarian. I must now put Nazeefah in the cot half asleep so that she can settle herself down to sleep. It really touches my heart strings but I know that is the best in the long run. I think Nazeefah senses that so she cheekily gets me to let her sleep after her feed b4 i put her into the cot during the day. Doesn't do that on the weekends so far...
It's a beautiful autumn day..but unfortunately I am still housebound. Looking forward to our visit to the Child Health Clinic or Consultatie Bureau in a couple of weeks time. Small things really matter a lot nowadays :))
Drie weken
Our lil lieverd is already 3 weeks old....we can't believe it! To date, she is now 2.92 kg..Alhamdullillah.She is just beyond the target...she is suppose to put on 150g per week and she gained 240g last week.
Lieverd can now hold her head n control her neck movements for aprox 1 minute. In an upright position she can also turn her head towards daddy when he calls her. Loves being in a vertical position with her head held up high by herself. Tried to reach the toy dangling from the frame of her play gym, got frustrated when she cudn't do so.Can push herself away from the breast when she is done. Hmm....we are all just amazed with her development. Well, the midwife did say that smaller kids tend to be stronger.
We took the photo above for her malaysian citizenship n passport application. At the mo, our munchkin has a dutch birth certificate n is not a malaysian citizen as yet:)) Hopefully they will accept this photo if not hmmmm...so far, all our friends have done it this way since everytime they go to the studio, baby is either asleep or crying.
Can't wait to see what she will be up to in a weeks time..our lil lieverd. As one of our friends rightly said, she is the joy of her parents..
Something new everyday...
Lil lieverd is really keeps amazing her parents. She started to steadily hold her head up for approx 10-15 seconds last nite.her mum is sooooo afraid but she was happily cont to do it herself.Dad of course didn't manage to get it on camera..what's new!?! Got video cam but it's happily stored in its case...hmm...
Poor klein meisje had an awful nite. She had huge bogeys in her nostrils and had to breathe thro her mouth. This was very difficult esp when she was b/f. Alhamdullillah, I managed to get them out today..the nasal aspirator we have is tooo big for her lil nostrils so had to use some ingenuity..
Today also marks the 1st day that she is sleeping in her back. All these while she has been on her side. She took sometime to settle down but Alhamdullillah she has now and is sleeping soundly.
Another reason why she took sometime to settle down was prob due to overstimulation. Read her a book while she was b/f, then let her play with her play gym for a while..suffcie to say we have learnt that 10 mins of stimulation per day at the mo is enuff.think she takes after her dad when he was a jongen...:))
2 weeks old..
Today was lieverd's 2nd outing. Went to see her paediatrician. Alhamdullillah, she is doing well. She has gained 400 g since birth..she is supposed to put on 150g per week. No wonder she was regurgitating her milk...drinking too much milk :)) sound familiar?? plus she has that 'i am full' face and nods off to sleep after her meal :))
There was a worry that her hips are dislocated..since her bum was engaged n she was in breech. Clinically, her hips are normal but she is due an USS end of Jan to rule that out. Insya Allah it will be ok.
Today she will start b/f on demand. That will worry the grandparents since they think that lieverd shudn;t cry at all.. So far, mum has had the alarm clock on so I wake her up for feeds but her paediatrician said to let her feed on demand.So, she becomes the alarm clock now.
Winter has come. It's really cold. Was 9 deg today...lieverd was nice n comfy in her maxi cosy. All bundled up. A friend is bringing the snow suit this weekend. Yup! There is a newborn snow suit that is passed from one Shell family to the other. Well...it is not really worth it buying one since we are leaving next year, insya Allah. Furthermore, she will only use it for a short period of time as well..
to date, our lil lieverd has put on 400g and has grown 1 cm..Alhamdullillah..
1st outing...
Lil lieverd went out today..well, naughty mum can't keep still and has started doing a bit of household chores..as a result mum has a tiny wound under her incision scar which is discharging. Had to go to see the nurse at Bronovo to make sure it was ok. Insya Allah, it won't turn into pus. In the meantime, mum has learnt her lesson and will TRY to not do much..easier said than done..oh well!
Tomorrow, will be her 2nd outing..again to Bronovo. This time to see her paediatrician. Lief's head is misshapen prob due to the breech position and the fact that she was right under my diaphragm. Insya Allah her skull will right itself soon enuff..
She was an absolute angel in the car. not even a pip squeak from her. she was nicely bundled up in her maxi cosy.lieverd is definitely a m'sian kid.24 deg is her temp. nothing more or less. her dad learned that last nite, she refused to be put into her cot unless it was warmed up by a bag of cherry pips. yup! she loves her bed nice n toasty..like mum!told hubby that but wud he listen, of course not! so he had to learn it the hard way..:))