Tuesday, July 08, 2008

whinge whinge whinge

breastfeeding....the topic that has been playing on my mind recently. how long will i cont till...i hope for another 3-4 months.b4 we left for kl, lieverd was only drinking my milk 3x/day and she actually started to sleep thro the nite. but since we got back n she has been ill, her breastmilk consumption has increased by 3 fold. she has a few times looked at me and said more...all i can say is 'sorry sweetie..there's not much left'. today however, my breasts feel full again..must be all the drinking the past week. so we are back to square one of weaning her off my breast. considering that we will be going to kl in a couple of weeks time, i wonder if it is worth trying to wean her off again. i guess i will try n hope for the best i.e. in kl, she will b bz playing n 4get about mummy's milk. another thing i need to sort out is her constant whinge-ing. she never used to whinge even when she was ill b4. it does drive me up the wall. ignoring her has not made it any better. suppose i shud try to cont to ignore n hope that the message will hit home eventually.

Alhamdullillah she is getting better. still has a lil cough but so far no runny nose 2day insya Allah.

right now am wondering if she has chronic constipation. she has been poo-ing everyday but its like diarrhoea. her belly tho is pretty soft but resonant+ on percussion. can't seem to palpate any mass. then again, she has been having lots of formula. but today, her tummy is pretty soft. haven't managed to percuss her belly today.

just started her on scotts emulsion. her appetite has picked up but she has diarrhoea. cud be the orange juice in it. changed to original flavour which i m hoping she will cont to take n c how that goes.

looks like we will need to see her paed in kl next week.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Antics part deux

at long last managed capture these. hopefully one day, the full repertoire(?spelling..brain gone rusty la)