Monday, April 20, 2009

Alhamdullillah, my bb is 2.5 years old...

My bb is 2.5 years! can't believe we are at this stage. i remember just a few years back, i had given up all hope of having a child.Syukur Alhamdullillah she is now a kicking n screaming 2.5 year old toddler.

Lieverd is definitely being true to her 'country'. The 1st colour she can recognise is orange. at one point of time, hubbs was worried that she is colour blind hahaha insya Allah she is not.recognising colours has been a big mystery to her. she recognised shapes before she turned two..but took her another 6 months b4 colours. there were a few times when she did get them right before but both hubbs n i think she was just guessing. but this time round, we are pretty confident she knows them. slowly but surely eh..

her vocabulary is increasing by leaps n bounds. short conversation in the car while sending her to sch today..sch is only 2 streets away..
me: where are we going, fah?
n : school
me: do u like going to sch..
n : silence..
me: of course
n : of course
me: u can play w your frens..
n : of course

speaking of day after sch
n: joey cry
me: who is joey? is he your fren in sch?
n: yes
me: joey..boy or girl?
n : boy
me: fah, boy or girl?
n: girl
got a shock she can differentiate btw boys n girls.

later i found out that joey n eden are the twin boys. lil one keeps mentioning their name everyday after sch. hubbs n i are teasing her n telling boyfren already hahahaha. thing is our fren's son is at the same sch but she hardly mentiones him. then again..maybe becoz these boys are twins. they are identical..i have no idea how the teacher tells them apart..

today..she surprised me by pointing out alphabets. so far, she can recognise a,l,s. haven't tried all the other alphabets as yet. she knows her nos as well..1 to 5.

as i said b4 m using this blog as a log book.

whatever it is I am ever so grateful to Allah for this chance to bring my lil one up. all the sweat n tears are rewarded by that smile...Alhamdullillah


Blogger Domestic CEO said...

yeah, u go gal... i should start log book for j as well now that he has starts talking like bertih goreng, and sometimes like parrot..
glad that our lil gal and boy make it.. terkenangkan masa kita preg kan.. hmmm... alhamdulillah for they are now..

3:42 am  

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