Sunday, January 18, 2009

27 months old

my darling will b 27 months old tomorrow. i keep forgetting to update re: her progress. using this blog to chart her progress. being the ever forgetful me..even her babybook is not up to date. slack mummy!

To date:

1. she is taller since i don't have to fold her jeans

2. wt...still trying to gain the wt she lost when she was in KL. funny that, every1 keeps saying she eats more when she is w ppl but she loses wt in kl - 0.5kg min

3.jumps at every opportunity possible

4. runs around the house

5. keeps patting her lap like in little einstein while singing pat pat pat last off (blast off)

6. calls herself fah

7. sings her version of twinkle twinkle lil star..abbreviated twink twink lil star, up apaky (up in the sky), diamond apaky, twink star; happy (birthday) to u; hot dog hot dog, mickey clubhouse, see ya soon, bye bye mickey

8. can count till 12 but now gets confused..1,2,3, x,y,z fah

9. will say she is 2 if u ask her how old she is

10. can say bismillahirahmannirrahim

11. sometimes will say askum = assalamualaikum when she enters the housr

12. drinks 640 mls of formula/day..can't trust her to eat so i make sure she drinks her formula

13. eats more since i stopped breastfeeding

14. naps usu 1.5- 2 hours/day weekdays..weekends, hmm...daddy's home so sometimes no nap

15. comfort me by saying its sokay mummy, its sokay mummy

16. will say go back hotel, go back room, go back kitchen if she is angry

17. her lower 2nd molars have fully erupted

18. loves mickey (happy) mouse n minnie mouse

19. wakes up every morn asking for daddy

20. wakes up fr a nap asking for mummy

21. loves dolphins, cats...animals in general

22. puts her clothes on herself w minimal help

23. not potty trained yet..mummy lazy

24. fav sentences: what happened clubhouse; coz pete said wrong manic(magic) words;who's that daddy daddy daddy; mandi tub w frens; balloon up a ky, balloon pop up a ky, areef scared dolphin
25. prays...her version of it

i'm sure there is more. this is what i can remember on top of my head.


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