Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A brand new year 1430/2009

Wow! A year has just gone n we are now 6 days into the new one. I really wonder what this year has in store for us. looking forward to new experiences.

Alhamdullillah for d year that has passed. I am so thankful to Allah for many things.I was so in tune w Maal Hijrah falling on the 29th of Dec that i totally forgot that one has to recite the doas on the 28th. Was about to do it after asar prayers on the 29th then realised my stupid mistake. definitely very the blur:)

had a very nice family holiday in penang. managed to go swimming a few times. indulged in seafood. got hooked on nescafe w creamer during this trip as well. now i need a lazy chilled out holiday...:)

m back to reality now. maidless since the maid we had doesn't want to leave miri. we are due to move next year or so. well..now that i am no longer pregnant, i don't care if we were to move tomorrow.

nazeefah is on a waitlist for a playsch near our hse. cudn't b asked to check on others hehehe. well..i guess i shud but w the rainy weather now, very the malas. taking this opportunity to start fasting as well. Alhamdullillah have managed to do 2 days. trying to do as much as soon as possible. wanna start this ramadhan on a clean slate, insya Allah.

happy new year everyone!


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