Something new everyday...

Lil lieverd is really keeps amazing her parents. She started to steadily hold her head up for approx 10-15 seconds last nite.her mum is sooooo afraid but she was happily cont to do it herself.Dad of course didn't manage to get it on camera..what's new!?! Got video cam but it's happily stored in its case...hmm...
Poor klein meisje had an awful nite. She had huge bogeys in her nostrils and had to breathe thro her mouth. This was very difficult esp when she was b/f. Alhamdullillah, I managed to get them out today..the nasal aspirator we have is tooo big for her lil nostrils so had to use some ingenuity..
Today also marks the 1st day that she is sleeping in her back. All these while she has been on her side. She took sometime to settle down but Alhamdullillah she has now and is sleeping soundly.
Another reason why she took sometime to settle down was prob due to overstimulation. Read her a book while she was b/f, then let her play with her play gym for a while..suffcie to say we have learnt that 10 mins of stimulation per day at the mo is enuff.think she takes after her dad when he was a jongen...:))
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