2 weeks old..

Today was lieverd's 2nd outing. Went to see her paediatrician. Alhamdullillah, she is doing well. She has gained 400 g since birth..she is supposed to put on 150g per week. No wonder she was regurgitating her milk...drinking too much milk :)) sound familiar?? plus she has that 'i am full' face and nods off to sleep after her meal :))
There was a worry that her hips are dislocated..since her bum was engaged n she was in breech. Clinically, her hips are normal but she is due an USS end of Jan to rule that out. Insya Allah it will be ok.
Today she will start b/f on demand. That will worry the grandparents since they think that lieverd shudn;t cry at all.. So far, mum has had the alarm clock on so I wake her up for feeds but her paediatrician said to let her feed on demand.So, she becomes the alarm clock now.
Winter has come. It's really cold. Was 9 deg today...lieverd was nice n comfy in her maxi cosy. All bundled up. A friend is bringing the snow suit this weekend. Yup! There is a newborn snow suit that is passed from one Shell family to the other. Well...it is not really worth it buying one since we are leaving next year, insya Allah. Furthermore, she will only use it for a short period of time as well..
to date, our lil lieverd has put on 400g and has grown 1 cm..Alhamdullillah..
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