Our baby, insyaAllah is still in the right position instead of head up. Baby used to stick out his/head from under my r rib n now its his/her bump! We had an ECV done on thurs to correct baby's position. interesting procedure. I thot it was going to be like a massage, NOT! The gynae had to disengage baby's bump from my pelvis...yup! baby was even engaged, wrong bit of his/her anatomy tho'! That was the most uncomfortable bit . after that, it was just a matter of guiding our lil one. then amidst all that, i had to have a braxton hicks contraction which left baby in a transverse lie. So, we waited till that was over and baby was guided to the right position. All in all with the monitoring before n after the procedure...3 scans during the procedure..we were out in an hour! I was so amazed. hmm..was actually thinking of chickening out that morn. Am glad hubby managed to persuade me not to and i have given my baby the chance to enter the world insya Allah naturally.
2 ladies i know had really short labours. F from my antenatal class was in labour for 3 hours n D from yoga 4 hours. This has given me more confidence to face labour, insya Allah. The piccie was taken from our last antenatal class..F n hubby are missing since they received their lil one 2 weeks early. Out of all the ladies, i am the 'baby' of the class since i am due still loving my bump. not ready to let go of it as yet....:)
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