Monday, September 18, 2006

at long last....

we won our 1st premier league game yesterday...and a win at old trafford as well. sweet!! felt that arsene was scraping the barrel for excuses last week...players not used to the pitch and so on. it's nice to be back on the 1st page of the table.... things are looking better....i really do hope!

on the preggers front. Alhamdullillah everything is ok at the mo apart from the fact that baby is in breech position. there's still time for baby to turn...we have another scan next week and will confront the issue if baby hasn't turned as yet then.

am having a small kenduri tomorrow. to pray for our baby's safety n well being plus our friend's. our friend is already hospitalized to increase the survival of her baby. insya Allah, all will be well.

parents coming over in a fortnite's time. am looking forward to that. think i do need a hand nowadays. baby is getting heavier even though he/she is now comforming back to m'sian size. at one point of time baby was comforming to dutch standards..which wud have meant a min of 4.5 kg at birth...aarrggghhhhh! At the end of the day, the most important bit is that baby is well.


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