Drie weken

Lieverd can now hold her head n control her neck movements for aprox 1 minute. In an upright position she can also turn her head towards daddy when he calls her. Loves being in a vertical position with her head held up high by herself. Tried to reach the toy dangling from the frame of her play gym, got frustrated when she cudn't do so.Can push herself away from the breast when she is done. Hmm....we are all just amazed with her development. Well, the midwife did say that smaller kids tend to be stronger.
We took the photo above for her malaysian citizenship n passport application. At the mo, our munchkin has a dutch birth certificate n is not a malaysian citizen as yet:)) Hopefully they will accept this photo if not hmmmm...so far, all our friends have done it this way since everytime they go to the studio, baby is either asleep or crying.
Can't wait to see what she will be up to in a weeks time..our lil lieverd. As one of our friends rightly said, she is the joy of her parents..
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