This is the 1st sunday in long time that we haven't stuffed our faces in. Syukur Alhamdullillah for the fasting month!
We had a pretty busy day yesterday. Didn't sleep after suhoor. Well, I couldn't stay in the flat any longer. My 48 hours of rest was definitely over. I am not 100% well yet as I am still coughing but what the heck..I know that this cough will last at least a week. Went to Den Heijer for fish, must say that the fish didn't look as fresh as it did the previous Fri. Off to Leidsenhage for grocery shopping then Delft for farewell gifts followed by to Xotus.
Rang the parents but I didn't manage to speak to my in laws. Had to start preparing for iftar. Hubby wanted 'dendeng tok cik'..so since his wish is my command, I tried cooking it. Didn't have a clue what it is suppose to look like or taste. Then again, it's fasting month so taste didn't matter :)) Hubby said it was nice. But I felt the meat wasn't garing enuff. Made 2 portions - 1 for the men n the other for the ladies tables respectively BUT the portion for the men ended up on Dato's table. To add injury to the insult, they (members of Dato's table) only ate 1/2 of the portion...grrr...anyway, took some from the ladies table for hubby.
Being overseas n fasting, one starts craving for stuff. Bit difficult since people tend to jump to the conclusion that we are preggers :)) Ja wel! Latest craving is guava..esp w the assam powder. For the life of me, I cannot remember when I had it last!! Think my body wants vit c n has had enuff of getting it from oranges! then again...limau bali...yummm...
My darling other half is working from home. So called work life balance :)). Shudn't complain really since he has managed to be home for iftar.And I don't have to cook tonite since we're off to a farewell do.
Oh that note, I shall end this entry. Tot volgende tijd! Mijn man...hij hebt mijn laatse blog gelezen. Hij vindt het zo grappig.Maar ik moet probeer...