Friday, October 28, 2005

Eid Mubarak

Today is the 25th of Ramadhan...yup! Eid is really just around the corner. Wow! Can't believe it..this month has really flown past, literally in a blink of an eye!! We're celebrating eid here this year..was in M'sia last year. The celebrations here are pretty festive based on Eid 2003. The day will start with prayers followed by an eating sess of course at the embassy. Not sure if there will be open houses this year as Eid falls on a week day..we'll see. Apart from being with our families, I will definitely miss hearing the takbir. My hubby was sooo excited last year that he went to prayers early just to takbir :) He will definitely do the same here but it is a different feeling altogether.

Both my hubby and i wish all Muslims 'Eid Mubarak'. Veel plezier!


Blogger Dil said...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin from Soffyya, Eza & Dil... Miss you guys. Take care.

5:50 pm  

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