's all over

Syukur Alhamdullillah! I have received my residence permit. Working to my advantage is IND's oversight in granting me 'indefinite leave to remain' instead of expat status which means I can work here without a work permit! Now, i really must buckle down n concentrate fully on mijn nederlandse les...:)
this is one of my fav van gogh pieces. haven't seen it on canvas yet as it is on display in otterlo. hubby is in amsterdam today for a meeting, was tempted to go but can't afford the time. yes! this lil housewife has actually got a busy schedule this week. gisteren - yassin reading at a friend's place, vandaag- afspraakje met gementee, morgen - farewell lunch, vrijdag - nederlandse les en pilates trial doesn't look like it's a busy schedule but I have my weekday quran reading sess to do everyday n that alone takes up 2 hours. yes! i am a pretty slow reader..
looks like we're off to egpyt in nov...redeemed hubby's airmiles!! hubby is gonna call the travel agent about our umrah trip. insya Allah, we will be going in ramadhan..hopefully while my parents are there.
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