Thursday, August 11, 2005


can't believe that it's thurs today n it's august as well.another 4 months to the end of this!ooo! I just love thursdays. don't really know why, poss coz the weekend is near. even me,the lady of leisure looks forward to the weekend. i think its coz i have my darling hubby all day.. he's playing golf on sun..

went to the mauritshuis museum yesterday.saw dutch renaisance paintings by rembrandt, vermeer now reading a book titled 'the dutch golden age'.well, educating myself in art. so far, have only been to 2 musuems this year, must start going to more esp since i have paid 30 euros for the museumkaart.funny that! i was living in london for 6 years n only managed to visit the natural history museum n the museums in london are free!!?!that's procrastination for you..hopefully, we will visit london before we leave europe so i can do the touristy things!!

if it wasn't for my residence card, we wud be leaving for jeddah tomorrow. Insya Allah, we are trying to postpone the trip to ramadhan. my parents will be there then as well. ramadhan in mecca/madinah, hmmm....i really hope we can make it.

my baby blues is over for the time's time for my 'friend' soon. yup! another cycle of disappointment coming up..well, that's life!!but, i have my coffee for comfort...i have been trying to give up coffee..did pretty well till my friends came over from m'sia. plus the fact that it is cold..makes it even more conducive for a hot drink..which of course is coffee...the smell of freshly brewed coffee...yum!

oops! hubbs back early..he didn't do his usual ring me before he leaves the office.i call it his 'dinner on table when i get home' call..:))


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