Lazy sunday

Today is a beautiful summer's day. We were supposed to cycle to Wassenaar for a picnic but hubby's tyre went flat before we reached the dunes in scheveningen. came back home, hubby wood treated our prev dining table while i scrubbed the kitchen. ended up having our picnic in our lounge instead:))
had some friends over for dinner last nite to commision our new dining table. was not happy w the quality of the food i cooked.not used to cooking for more than 2 people. hubby was very encouraging. also, practice makes perfect. insya Allah, we will be having another dinner party sat week.
will start my dutch classes on fri. need to start revising..on the arty farty front,i really hope i can visit the mesdag museum next week. our fav still life artist is having a solo exhibition in gouda come oct..we r planning to go. can't afford his paintings but at least can feast our eyes on it...
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