
This is the time of the year when one starts feeling melancholic. Mid ramadhan n it's cold!!! Plus the chilly wind from the north blowing hard..bbrrrrrrr...
A part of me yearns to go back to KL for eid but I don't think I can face the dreaded q's....e.g. why r u not preggers yet? N the comments one receives, my fav one so far is 'ingatkan tak nak anak'. Oh man!To think I have given up my career for what? just to live off my hubby,shake legs n twiddle my thumbs??? I really thought I was over this phase of my life but it's sneaked up on me yet again. It's a vicious cycle..
Actually made it to the Mesdag Museum yesterday. It was a quaint lil museum, full of delightful treasures tucked away in the Mesdagkwartier. Was introduced to the works of Sargent n Mancini. Have not read much about them but intend to. That museum was actually in between exhibitions..thank god for my museumkaart, I will not think twice about visiting it again...
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