Imanee Nazeefah Izhar
This is my fav photo of our lil lieverd. I know it's a bit blur but....
Nazeefah arrived into this world @ 0415 hours, 20th Oct. All in all, it was a pretty short labour but she did make a grand entrance like aunt su said:)). I started my contractions at 2345,19th Oct and by 0200, 20th Oct - I was 5 cm dilated! She was still in breech position so i insisted on a c/s. According to the report, my water bag burst 1 min before the c/s started as well! Had a c/s under spinal anaesthesia which i took me by surprise since I really thot i had an epidural. Didn't know that till I was up in the ward already:)) and both the nurse n i were looking for the epidural infusion line.
We found out on the table that I had a malformed uterus so my lil lieverd was only using one side therefore she couldn't grow n the reason that she was in breech. The gynae that did the op confirmed that there was no other way that she cud have come out and told me that we made the right decision to have a c/s. Also, that he was shocked his collegue managed to turn her at 36 weeks. Alhamdullillah!
Becoz she is small, she couldn't regulate her temp that well n her glucose levels. So, she had a glucose infusion set up n went into the incubator. Her first 'car' ride was in an ambulance that whisked her off to Juliana Kinderziekenhuis since there were no space for her in Bronovo's SCBU. Alhamdullillah, they managed to find a bed for me at the Rode Kruis Hosp which is next door to Juliana.The 1st few days were pretty difficult for me but I am sooo thankful to Allah that insya Allah that ordeal is over.
The medical service provided was sooo excellent!Alhamdullillah!
delivery mode
Baby is still in breech so we have decided to go down the c sec route altho our gynae advises us against it. Our gynae proposed another ECV f/b inducing then emergency c sec prn...hmmm...not too keen on that idea! That plan scares the hell out of me..don't think i am strong enuff to go down that road. BUT we are having another scan on admission. So, baby has another week to try to turn. As hubby says, baby is laid back like him, will turn last minute. If baby was like me, he/she wud have turned well in advance :)) Vaginal breech delivery is another option I don't even dare think of. Insya Allah baby will turn in time.
As for now...i have to start relaxing more. Just scared that I may have to go for an emergency c sec since my braxton hicks are getting more regular n one of the signs have started. Trust the sign to start after we saw our gynae! The nurse that was in charge suspects that we won't make it to the date given. We'll our baby to try and come out before time :)) It's hard trying to keep still.. there's just so much to do. well..gotta listen to hubby....since he has put his foot down on that subject.
Insya Allah, all will b well

Our baby, insyaAllah is still in the right position instead of head up. Baby used to stick out his/head from under my r rib n now its his/her bump! We had an ECV done on thurs to correct baby's position. interesting procedure. I thot it was going to be like a massage, NOT! The gynae had to disengage baby's bump from my pelvis...yup! baby was even engaged, wrong bit of his/her anatomy tho'! That was the most uncomfortable bit . after that, it was just a matter of guiding our lil one. then amidst all that, i had to have a braxton hicks contraction which left baby in a transverse lie. So, we waited till that was over and baby was guided to the right position. All in all with the monitoring before n after the procedure...3 scans during the procedure..we were out in an hour! I was so amazed. hmm..was actually thinking of chickening out that morn. Am glad hubby managed to persuade me not to and i have given my baby the chance to enter the world insya Allah naturally.
2 ladies i know had really short labours. F from my antenatal class was in labour for 3 hours n D from yoga 4 hours. This has given me more confidence to face labour, insya Allah. The piccie was taken from our last antenatal class..F n hubby are missing since they received their lil one 2 weeks early. Out of all the ladies, i am the 'baby' of the class since i am due still loving my bump. not ready to let go of it as yet....:)