Pregnancy n emotions
it's been like a roller coaster these past few weeks emotions wise that is. all in all, i am glad i have decided to deliver here. I don't think i can cope without my darling hubby.
i reckon it's all down to attention..:)) i spoke to my best friend about it and she says even tho she is not preggers she also craves for attention. phew! thot i was going mad at one stage...i tell u the mood swings during preggers is heightened at least 5 fold compared to PMS levels.Think hubby feels it is worse..
then again, it cud be the fact that i really am afraid of what is going to happen during labour n the delivery itself. have seen a few people go thro it but it is not the same. all in all, insya Allah it will be ok n go hubby won't dad did when mum gave birth to me lil sis
we're back online
at long last after a llloooooonnnnnggggg hiccup, we're back online. thanks to our mate, harmeet!! the streets of centrum will miss seeing me daily :))
oh entonox!!
just found out that entonox is not an option for pain's bad enuff that if one wants an epidural you have book an appt plus it is only offered during weekdays 9 - 5 pm. all i can do is to laugh...well, the dutch being the dutch,everything is regimented. in fact, the best time to give birth is weekdays 9 - 5pm :)) as if the baby will come then! will be an experience. insya Allah, my antenatal classes n yoga will help me thro...apart from the obvious, prayers!!as a 1st time mum the thot of labour really is pretty scary. have seen n witnessed a few labours esp during med school - was scared then n still pretty apprehensive now. well, i suppose this is all part of life.Lucky sis! never felt labour pain in her life...ggrrrr....
Whoa... 7 months already!!!??!!

Alhamdullillah, m now 28+ weeks preggers. Am soooo amazed. Suffice to say. both of us are really excited. Also enjoying the pregnancy now after the 1st few months. Phew! Glad that is over...I can go on and on about how fantastic it's been so far, how it feels incredible and actually experiencing what I know in theory. The weather has been perfect as well, well yes! it's rainy and grey but most important of all it is COOL!!! Hubby is shocked as he is decked out in his track bottoms n w a jumper and I am only dressed in a kaftan w socks:))It has been a really busy couple of weeks. Inlaws were here for a real short visit. we whisked them off to Helsinki the day they arrived. Helsinki...hmm...was the biz. Weather was beautiful and the food scrumptious. Unfortunately, I couldn't chomp on the smoked trout which was served at brekkie..oh well! Got back to Den Haag and it was food galore, hubby's fav dishes. And the size of the sabah!! Went to dusseldorf the following weekend for whatelse...of course! shopping..even managed to visit metlach for villeroy stufff. Am actually having 2nd thots about the stuff we bot. MIL keeps assuring me it is a good buy but w the baby on the way....In NL,we visited Oud Zuylen castle...that was soo enlightening. Imagine growing up in a castle..whoa! And the dinner that nite was yummy and the dessert..appropriately named grand dessert. It was served on a mirror!!! Picture speaks a thousand words...yup! it has been a pretty busy few weeks. most of my friends are still away for the summer looking forward a quiet week before our friend comes over from london for a few days. looks like my travelling days are numbered. doubt we will be doing much in the next few nothing beats being pregnant.Insya Allah all will be well..