ik heb trek
Darling hubbs rang at 1740 hrs saying that he was leaving which is really unusual for him as he normally ringsongeveer 1830-1900hrs. Shocked but happily surprised, i started cooking in hurry..i.e. didn't wait for the fish too dry properly before grilling it.As per usual, 1900 hrs came and no sign of him....rang him n guess where he was....still at work!!!! GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!To top it off,I stopped studying at 5pm. Could do w another hour or so....We were in Volendam last 2 weekends. We just had to take a piccie as it was pretty cool. Volendam is a lakeside (was a seaside) town. The white bit was ice followed by more ice then flowing water. There was even a patch of ice floating according to the current. Pretty cool stuff.Vandaag, ik heb mijn lieve gezien. Mijn lieve is een twee jaar meisje!?! Wij hebben naar Leidsenhage gegaan. Op dit moment, ik ben erg boos en trek....
Werk...niet werk..
Two of my med school friends came over for a visit last weekend. Well, one of them took a whole week off n the othe other had fri off. They took leave in anticipation of my going to London for a week helaas niet..It was really nice of them to come over n we had quite a few good few chats.Hubby posed a good question. He asked if I missed working. I haven't really thought about it actually. My 1st answer was I didn't miss the work but the financial independence. It was soooo nice being able to shop without answering 1001 questions e.g. do u really need it, don't u have something similiar etc. Esp when I was earning in GBP!! Come to think of it, I pretty much miss the patient contact - they can drive u up the wall but it can be entertaining as well. As a result of our discussions, I am sitting for the MRCP1 in May. Chance of me passing is extremely slim but my target is the september paper..2 reasons to visit London this year :))Als voor weer, het is niet zo koud vergleken afgelopen week. Maar het was mere zonnig afgelopen week. Het is mere bewolking dit week. Ik houd can sneeuw maar ik denk dit jaar dat het niet sneeuw is.