my darling is THREE

my darling turned 3 last week. time really does fly, innit?
this time 10 yrs ago, i have just finished my MSc and started working. life involved trying to b a surgeon n achieving it. hours n hours spent on 1 case fr morn till pm didn't bother me. i was up standing for hours on end..smelling the tumour, assisting it being removed, seeing the blood flow after the vessels were attached. going to work in the dark n going home in the dark. weekends were spent on call n recovering fr the heavy week schedule. well.. did manage to get some partying done as well :)
now, my day starts w getting lil one ready for sch. well..more persuading her to go to sch. followed by running errands n cooking. try to sneak in some exercise, no swimming lately since the weather hasn't been permitting.there is definitely more sunshine here of course compared to europe:)
lil one, Alhamdullillah is growing (or so we like to think). she has been pretty clingy lately. prob still adjusting to her daily routine. we were away for 3 weeks. so to b expected she ain't to keen on being at home not in a hotel where she had mummy's attn 24/7.
there are the good days n there are the bad days. on bad days,i wish i cud b transported away fr her. sometimes just have no idea wat to do esp when she is having a tantrum. holding her n keeping her safe n trying not to lose it is really easier said than done. ppl say she is spolit since she is our only child. Well, i guess so but wat can we do. We have to redha to Allah's decision n i am sure He is looking after our best interest.
enough ranting...update
1. she chooses what to wear. if she doesn't like the item she will simply refuse to wear it. lucky if it is not thrown away
2. swears when she is very angry. mummy's fault entirely. note to self: stop swearing.
3.wt hmmm...last weighed her a week ago. she has gained all the wt she lost during the trip Alhamdullillah
4. ht...still petite
5.her imaginary fren's name is adik
6. no longer scared of lion dance...sigh!
7.drinks formula using a straw bottle..holding it herself yay!
8. allergies: cow's milk protein, tomatoes, blackcurrant,citrus, shell fish
9.loves fish...eating n looking at them. m still trying to get hubb's consent to buying an aquarium. for me it is no biggie since i grew up w animals in the house.
10. there were a few times when i tell her to do something e.g. nap time she will anwer:
a. i am doing work la, can't u c
b. don't be ridiculous mummy
c. i don't want
d. have milk and wake up
11.role playing..she is the mother n consoles her soft toys...sometimes by singing veena comel, veena comel while bouncing her soft toy; ala ala don't cry,have milk; y u cry so much, stop crying ok
many more which i can't remember at the top of my head.
a week in history
had breakfast w hubbs twice this week..all by ourselves. we haven't had this opportunity since lieverd was born. it was strange albeit hurried since hubbs needed to get to work. of course, had to throw my healthy breakfast out the window as well:) even in the car, it was pretty odd since usually we have our 'entertainer' singing/chatting/shouting.
lieverd had her mid year party on monday. she made her own costume, tulip. wat a coincidence since it is mummy's fav flower. the theme was flowers n insects. the girls were all flowers n the boys were insects. i was happy that she was pretty independent esp during the class photo. as 1st, she wanted me to be w her. i lead her to a chair, sat her down n left her there. she was ok w that so i managed to get some piccies.
today is the 1st time she wanted to wear her sch uniform. well part of it. t shirt only. good step forward.not sure if this will cont so watch this space.
we're off to KL tomorrow. need to get supplies for ramadhan. its been awhile since we went back. 8 months to b precise. well..this year we decided that we were gonna explore borneo more than going back to KL. for the past 2 years we didn't manage to holiday much since money was spent going back to KL. being KL is NOT n NEVER will b a holiday.
had a bad bout of laryngitis. finished my course of antibiotics today. last nite was the 1st nite in the past week dat i have managed to sleep thro. Alhamdullillah
tad worried about the h1n1 situation. am praying to Allah dat we will b safe.Amin.
one of those days...
didn't manage to sleep well last nite since lil one was pretty restless. cud smell the haze even though our room is air conditioned n the air purifier was switched on. poor gal kept waking up to cough. sent her to sch anyways n bumped into the owner. she mentioned that lil one has been missing sch quite a bit. yeah..well..can't b helped. april/may was such a blur. we got hit by 2 rounds of bad cold/flu. didn't send her to sch on mon since she was sniffling the whole nite. think she is allergic to the mosquito patch i placed on her earlier that day. one good thing that has come out of this is that she much prefers warm water now..phew! its been ages since we have tried to get her to stop drinking cordial. we were quite sly since her cordial was usually very watery:)
can't believe she is already 32 months now. very chatty. sometimes can't get a word in edgewise.very argumentative. she fell asleep on daddy's shoulder yesterday while i was doing my weekly case review session. came home n tried to take over fr daddy since he needed to go back to work. she just screamed her head off n totally refused.she spent the next 45 mins ordering me to go fr room to lounge while screaming n shouting off n on. didn't help dat i was soo tired n wanted a short nap. 1st day of my period n it really felt like the 1st day of my miscarriage minus the the end, i gave up n stayed put in the room. she slept for 2 mins on me n rolled off. 5 mins later..she woke up. fed her some milk w she guzzled down in no time, all that wailing must have made her hungry n thirsty. let her play outside earlier. we ran out of bubble solution so can't play w her bubble gun. wasn't keen on letting her play w our neighbour since she is coughing so wanted her to have an earlier bath.
daddy had to go out for dinner. she had her dinner n then wanted some milk. gave her milk 45 mins after her request. she guzzled it down n guess wat? she vomitted it out. m so tired of this. she looked so tired since she only had a proper 45 mins nap in the afternoon. so, we went to bed at 9pm. amazingly, she dozed off almost immediately.
right now, i cud do w a nap but can't. waiting for washing machine to finish its cycle. then need to start cooking. b4 i know it, its time to pick her up fr sch. picking her up a lil earlier since she woke up at 7am today.
i really salute single mothers..gosh! wonder how they do it....i doubt very much i can! burning
we have been waking up to a smoky house since may. Alhamdullillah we went for a holiday during the gawai-agong's b'day week..treated to nice fresh air for 5 days. on our way to the airport, our cab driver informed us that the plantations have been doing land clearing /open burning every nite. no wonder we tend to start coughing in the early hours of the morn esp lil one. even with our room air conditioned n the air purifier switched on, it still did not manage to filter out the smoke.
we had a fantastic time in KK. didn't manage to have some seafood as there was no point since it was just the 2 of us well 3 plus lil one. also the fact that we can't enjoy the seafood since we wud b bz chasing her. since the lil one arrived, our holidays are geared towards her. went to the aquarium n marine museum in UMS on the 1st day. was pretty impressed. altho the aquarium is small but they had posters about the research UMS is carrying out. highlight of the day was the dolphin statue :) lil one was happy to see the huge hybrid garoupas, seahorses, clown fish,star fish n a few others which i can't remember. UMS has a nice campus....
after the aquarium, we headed out to 1borneo for lunch. lil one must have been so tired that she slept as soon as we reached w/out her lunch. well, she had a good breakfast. it was the 1st time in yonks hubbs n i had a quiet lunch just the 2 of us. did some shopping n went back to the hotel after. on the way back to the hotel, i remember that i wanted to visit the rainforest area..well, too late. hopefully we can go back there esp after the seaworld is up n running.
2nd day, didnt do much. went to the pool n stayed at the hotel mostly. lil one had nearly 3 hours nap which we didn't want to disturb. later, we ventured out to the waterfront. had a fresh coconut drink n bought some snacks.
off to Lok Kawi wildlife park the next day. lil one mentioned that she wanted to see elephant, zebra, cow,tiger n bear. she was lucky they had it all. there were also orang utans,deers, otters, parrots, hornbills, monkeys and many others. we managed to catch the show w she enjoyed esp when they brought out the bald eagle.we skipped the reptile house n aviary since it was very hot.
all in all, a very good trip Alhamdullillah. hopefully can persuade hubbs to go for a weekend once the seaworld is up n running :) mount kinabalu, karambunai will have to wait till lil one is much older. doubt she can appreciate it now. hopefully by then we can all go snorkelling, wud love to sneak in a dive or 2 as well :)
Alhamdullillah, my bb is 2.5 years old...
My bb is 2.5 years! can't believe we are at this stage. i remember just a few years back, i had given up all hope of having a child.Syukur Alhamdullillah she is now a kicking n screaming 2.5 year old toddler.
Lieverd is definitely being true to her 'country'. The 1st colour she can recognise is orange. at one point of time, hubbs was worried that she is colour blind hahaha insya Allah she is not.recognising colours has been a big mystery to her. she recognised shapes before she turned two..but took her another 6 months b4 colours. there were a few times when she did get them right before but both hubbs n i think she was just guessing. but this time round, we are pretty confident she knows them. slowly but surely eh..
her vocabulary is increasing by leaps n bounds. short conversation in the car while sending her to sch today..sch is only 2 streets away..
me: where are we going, fah?
n : school
me: do u like going to sch..
n : silence..
me: of course
n : of course
me: u can play w your frens..
n : of course
speaking of day after sch
n: joey cry
me: who is joey? is he your fren in sch?
n: yes
me: joey..boy or girl?
n : boy
me: fah, boy or girl?
n: girl
got a shock she can differentiate btw boys n girls.
later i found out that joey n eden are the twin boys. lil one keeps mentioning their name everyday after sch. hubbs n i are teasing her n telling boyfren already hahahaha. thing is our fren's son is at the same sch but she hardly mentiones him. then again..maybe becoz these boys are twins. they are identical..i have no idea how the teacher tells them apart..
today..she surprised me by pointing out alphabets. so far, she can recognise a,l,s. haven't tried all the other alphabets as yet. she knows her nos as well..1 to 5.
as i said b4 m using this blog as a log book.
whatever it is I am ever so grateful to Allah for this chance to bring my lil one up. all the sweat n tears are rewarded by that smile...Alhamdullillah
what a week
this is the 2nd day in the past 2 weeks that lil one hasn't napped on me//literally sleeping on my chest. her head on my shoulder n sometimes feels like she is strangling me since her arm is wrapped around my other shoulder. lil one has been ill..caught a flu bug. took 2 days for the fever to settle. Alhamdullillah this time round, she keeps asking for her meds. "Fah got leaky nose, mamam ubat pls" even when its not time yet. guess she thinks if i eat more, my leaky nose will stop n i can go play w my dolphin swing. after her fever subsided, i thot she was well enuff for sch n playground pm. sent her on tues n the next day, she was worse...i.e. pretty lethargic. today, i guess she felt well enuff so she herself wanted to have a bath after her milk. but told her no sch since i want her to rest some more. as if she did rest ...
well..she is now in her 2nd hour of her nap. i am pretty rundown already. had a cold thro out the week but decided not to do anything about it till last nite. took lemsip last nite, felt better in the morn but now m tired. cudn't nap since my nose is pretty bunged up n i have a cough. Alhamdullillah it is a public holiday tomorrow so hubbs is not working. we were suppose to go to brunei on sat but guess need to shelve that idea since lil one n me are still not 100% well.
our KL trip is cancelled much to the relief of yours truly. wasn't really looking forward to that trip. the only reason i was gonna tag along was becoz hubbs needed to b there for a week. lil one + no daddy for a week i.e. 5 days n 4 nites = disaster for mummy. as u can clearly see i have no desire to be in KL untill raya. if it was up to me...don't even feel like going back for raya as well but can't do that.i guess i am just tired of going back to KL so often for the past 2 yrs. being in KL just stresses me out soooo much. am so tired of ppl critisizing on how i bring my lil one up, i am not feeding her enuff etc. oh well..c'est la vie. plus all the snide comments on my wt. hallo..i was anorexic when i got married. there is no way i will go back to that wt..hubbs commented he was afraid my bones wud break n he didn't like hugging a bony me.
i even dread ringing my own parents..since they will keep asking is she eating, is she growing..hallo! wat kind of mother do u think i am. do u actually think i will deliberately not feed my child to stop her fr growing..jeez!i understand their oncern but gimme some credit la. i do have a couple of undergraduate degrees w my name written on them.
some ppl forget. just becoz i am not working, doesn't mean that my brain has totally gone to pot..gimme some credit la.oh well...c'est la vie.
29 months old
omigosh....lieverd is 29 months old now..time really flies!
1. toilet trained altho she still mixes poo w all means the same, she needs the toilet hahaha
2. sleeping in her own bed. we bot one n attached it to ours. now i hope to b able to sleep well since i don't have to wake up in d middle of nite to check which position she is in, if hubbs is about to knee her face, where is she facing, is the duvet anywhere new her face etc
3. goes to nursery n eats the food served :) altho mummy still packs cereal n raisins just in case
4. loves to longer abbreviated version of twinkle twinkle lil star, lil einstein theme song, mickey mouse clubhouse theme,happy to u
5. can throw overarm
6. vocabulary increasing by leaps n bounds
7. able to construct 6 word sentences
8. very cheeky...
9. climbs in n out of the car and onto n from her car seat all by herself - supervised of course
10. throws her rubbish in the bin by stepping on the pedal...need to watch sometimes she even throws the plate, cutlery or cup as well :)
11. puts her dirty dishes n utensils in the sink
12. picks out her own clothes- frustrating for mummy at times esp in the morns
13. puts up a fuss when we want to put a diaper on her for the nite
14. loves dancing esp to star world theme
15. not aggresive when other kids push her away...she just persists n not run away - i.e. stand her ground w/out violence Alhamdulllillah
16. drinks milk now only 3 times/day - well, she eats more but prob not as many calories as her formula provides
17. sleeps 9 hours at nite, usu has 1.5 - 2 hours nap during the day
18. able to dress herself.
19. can count up to 15
these are the few things i remember on top of my head. I will try to note more down. Using this blog as a log book as well :) Easier to read than my handwriting lol