een lui zondag

this has been a pretty quiet week since i was ill. pretty much stayed at home. even missed my badminton sess on mon!
however, i did go out on thurs to visit the peace palace. hmm....cud feel the presence of world justice there. visited the hall where the sipadan island case was tried. found out that the public can attend the case hearing. next case is bosnia herzegovina vs serbia montenegro - application of convention on the prevention and punishment of crime of genocide. the case will start end of really interested to attend. hopefully, i don't forget!!
it's the weekend so of course we have open houses to attend :)) went a friend's place yesterday..the trip around her table sent us round SEA. she cooked burmese laksa, siamese macaroni soup, bruneian rice and cendol medan!! of course both hubby n i tucked in esp since we were both fasting yesterday. we have another house to go to today n we are fasting. suffice to say, we will be stuffing our face in yet again!! need to control the intake as i need to lose at least 2 kgs more. MIL commented I have put on weight since I left KL in Feb, I have actually lost approx 4 kgs to date!!i definitely don't want to go back to my anorexic look when i got married!! well, c'est la vie!
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