Beautiful autumn day

It's such a beautiful sunny day today but it's cold! Temp is in the low the weather forecast say. I haven't been outside at all today as I am suffering from acute laryngitis.Prob brought on by the stress of preparing for our 1st eid open house. Till today, I can't believe we managed to squeeze in approx 50 people at one go....enjoyed it although it was pretty tiring! Our flat is still in a mess...tidying it up slowly. Thank God for the floral gifts, our flat looks lovely even though it is in a tip!i am kicking myself for leaving most of the vases I got as wedding gifts in KL as well. All jugs have been converted into vases for the time being. The flowers were all in a pail before!!
Am actually looking forward to hosting my next open house...wonder where it will be held...I think I know how much food to cook as well so that there will be not too much surplus.We'll see..But need to have more culinary training from mum in law first. Was very dissapointed w my rendang!
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