Tuesday, June 03, 2008

feels like sunday

its really feels like a sunday today. it is still raining..practically the whole day it has been raining. poor lil lieverd...told her we wud bring her swimming today but what to do.explained that we cudn't and she seemed contented just playing w her ball n daddy on the patio.

as for me, i have spent the whole day in the kitchen. made bread for brekkie then realised that even the fast programme takes 2 hours. so switched to plan b, made nasi lemak instead. so, it became brunch . lil one fell asleep while daddy was pushing her on her cat. so, we didn't go out for lunch.made her lunch then went on to bake a cake for tea. had a bit of rest b4 proceeding to make dinner. dinner was as per usual a simple affair. baked the fish instead of steaming. tuned out ok and hubbs gave it the thumbs up.

at long last managed to tape nazeefah doing her 'funny walk' n head banging. will upload it soon.


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