Monday, May 19, 2008

wesak....n baking

am so exhausted..due to whatelse, sleep deprivation la. lieverd has not been sleeping well the last few days n has had very short naps during the day. i reckon its becoz daddy is around so she feels its such a waste of time if she naps. she had a slight fever 2 nites ago, Alhamdullillah its gone now.her right lower molar has fully erupted and the others are coming thro. her canines are also making their way thro. they have pierced her gums already.

we're back to square one on feeding her formula. she is back to being fed by a spoon...oh well! at least she drinks it and takes 3 scoops day n nite. have introduced cheese to her. she loves it n so far her eczema hasn't flared up much. gave her yogurt today n she seems to like it. m now trying to wean her off my breast very slowly. m only allowing her to have breastmilk 1st thing in d morn, at nite n b4 her pm nap. so far, it has worked. getting her to drink more water as it 2 years old. need to get my p back if not no sibling for her. pity her one to play with.

4got about the fan oven option for my oven so have been baking without using it. no wonder all my baking has been pretty dry. must make sure i use the option next time n also use my mixer. Alhamdullillah, my cookies turned out ok. next time i can add raisins to them.


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