on my own
this is by far one of the VERY few times i am at home alone. lieverd is out w da
oops...they are back :)) anyways, quick update on lil one's progress
1. she can make 2 word sentences. her 1st sentence was daddys home (daddy is home).yes ... everything revolves around daddy. 1st word, daddy. shud i b surprised her 1st sentence is also about daddy :))
2. she loves yoghurt n cheese. so far, her ezcema has not really flared up much, Alhamdullillah.
3. her naps are shorter now..lasting 45 mins or an hour now esp during d weekends. if i am lucky, she has 2 hour naps mon to wed.
4. she dances a lot now but its so diff to take video of it.
5. loves swimming...went yesterday n today as we were going out 2 the market, she wanted to bring her float.
can't think of anything else at the mo. m a lil tired. swam 8 laps for the 1st time in 3 years. realised that i am sooooo unfit. was panting after the 1st 2 laps. well, insya Allah m planning to swim at least 1x/week and hopefully hubbs schedule lightens up a bit (wishful thinking on my part) so i can swim more often.
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