Friday, November 14, 2008


A fren of mine sent me this quote n i simply love it. it certainly made my day.

Though Destiny waylays you a hundred times,
In the end it pitches a tent for you in heaven.

It is God's loving-kindness to terrify you
In order to lead you to the kingdom of safety.

later, i received a brightly coloured package fr my sis in kl. i have forgotten that its the lil things in life that can really make one happy.

i have learnt a few lessons fr this episode in my life which insya Allah i will never take for granted. every day is a struggle but it is made a lot easier by waking up seeing my hubbs n daughter sleeping every so peacefully as dawn breaks in w the birds chirping n the rooster cock a doo dooling away. watching my mum playing w my daughter as well gives such a warm feeling to my heart.


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