Me birthday

Many thanks to Eza, Dil n not forgetting Soffy for the beautiful bouquet...yup! no pink:)) My birthday yesterday was the 2nd I have celebrated in Holland and 8th in Europe. Wow! I have been away from M'sia for a while now...wonder where we will be next year..
Overall, it was a quiet one as I was suffering from a headache which started the nite before. Nearly bit off hubby's head when he suggested we celebrate before we prayed Isya' at midnite. I was just afraid the headache wud become worse if I postponed the prayers. Anyway, opened all the cards after prayers..and the pressies which were stored under the bed for the past few days on my b'day itself. Lilac seems to be the theme as Tahira n Yasar gave me a lilac top.BTW, the flowers on the top came off with a lil help from me:)) They must have forgotten I don't like flowery things...Don't get me wrong, I do love flowers esp tulips but not flowery stuff..:)) the tomboy in me still prevails..
My 3 yr old sweetheart n 2 of my god daughters are March kids as well...Fish power:))
Think I'll stop rambling on...can feel the headache returning! So, it's time for a power nap..
Oops...last but not least Happy belated 2nd anniversary to Eza n Dil..2 years eh with no 2 in tow...excellent!
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